It’s been a while…

Hi my snazzy people… it’s me… 7 years on…

This is quite awkward. Coming back to this blog brought back quite a few memories that I thought were lost. It’s quite terrifying to think that this tiny corner hidden away someplace on the internet is where I used to share my thoughts and “wackiness” all those years ago.

I am now twenty-three years old, I no longer work for the garden centre as they started to take the piss quite frankly. I now work in an “AMAZING” private hospital called Nuffield Health, as a customer services and appointments person and quite honestly… I HATE THE FUCKING SHIT OUT OF IT. If something was my 13th reason… that job would be it. I am currently looking into what the heck I could do with my life, and as it seems… IT sounds like the best option.

I no longer live in my parents house! Woo! I moved into my childhood home that I redecorated and fixed up through out Covid 2019 – 2022. Its great, living alone… no really… it’s great. Well… it could be better. It’s different to say the least, there no parents to tell you how you should decorate your place, there’s no-one telling you to shut the fuck up when you are grinding minecraft at 4am. However it is quite lonely sometimes… Which is why I adopted a cat!!!!! Her name is Jello (I didn’t pick that) but she is the cutest gremlin/goblin I have ever laid my eyes on. I was never really a cat person, however somehow shes grown on me. I was wanting to get a little doggie, thought I did come to the conclusion that it would be super cruel to leave them for the whole day I was working.. and cats are more independant and dont mind that as much, so Jello was the better option. She’s going to be one in August which is cute! she was only 19 weeks when I got her!

I never know how much information to put into these… Should I update you on my relationship status? My recent medical history? my favourite hobbies? I have no clue. All I will say is that i’m in a situation-ship that I think is going pretty well and I am just waiting for him to ask me to be his girlfriend.

I have a total of 2 tattoos which is 2 more than the last time I wortoe on here. One is a rose on my forearm which was free done by my friend, and the other is a goose with a knife (A KNIFE) in hommage to my nickname goose and the many geese we have owned throughout the years.

I don’t think there is anything else to update you on… I wonder if now I can start blogging about rants and random things again now that we are now more aquainted. (Did I spell that right?)

I think I am going to sign off now! This hasnt been the most fun blog I have written but it is something! I bid you farewell and I cant wait to hang out with you again soon.

Love Saz

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