Hold The Vintage Red Phone!

HOLD THE VINTAGE RED PHONE EVERYBODY!!! I forgot to type some fascinating things about me! Of course!

Well just like you, I am a human (I hope) And in my fuzzy little brain, I am very normal and the whole of the rest of the world is…. uh…. crazy…Yeah crazy! But from what I’ve been told. I’m on the same crazy scale as Luna Lovegood…However as my brother puts it “Higher up on the crazy scale”. Having that said to me, makes me realise why people call me Suna (Luna and My name) which is understandable.


Apart from being “slightly” un-normal, I like to bake! As you can probably notice already, (unless your attention got lost someplace else, which mine often does) there is a heavily filtered picture of some muffins I made.(Yes Muffins!) Why is it heavily filtered I hear you whispering? (I Have Supersonic Bat Ears…Shhh) Well, it was made for my GCSE Food tech thingy-ma-Bob, so to make it look less like a pile of yellow snow (Never eat the yellow snow) My friend edited it! So nice of them! I really should thank them someday…. :’D

There isn’t much left to type about, apart from the fact that I get entirely engrossed in games and my computer…which isn’t the ideal thing for me. My love for games came about quite a while a go, when I was in primary school. When you were a kid with major anxiety problems, the best thing to do (I thought) was to live many lives through gaming, mostly The sims and it expanded from there. So ever since the “good ole primary school days” I would play games when ever I felt anxious and it would keep me preoccupied for a while!

So that was the more serious section of this wonderfool (Yes, that was an intentional typo) blog, and I think I shall call this a night, and go watch some of the Office US and sip a decaffeinated cuppa tea, Tah for now my chucks!received_10153158586981897 And tonight I leave you with a rabbit cake I baked and decorated for Easter this year :3

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